In my coaching practice, I often employ informal songwriting and metaphors to help my clients create their own unique, intentional, and informed mantras.

You can read more about “Make Your Own Mantra” as in my blog.

The best way to explore making your own mantra is to book a session. Contact me for more information on how to get started.

The act of creating a mantra, even if temporary, can be a transformational release of emotions and negative thought patterns, or, can help us find inspiration for a bold new way of being.

Some mantras can become lifelong ear-worms that, with each reprise, serves and an anchor, helps us move past our obstacles, and to create the life we want.

What Is Your Mantra?

We know that music and song help us heal, relax, dance, worship, explore, emote, imagine, and more.

Creating our own Mantra (mini-song) allows us to put music's magic to work. Our own Mantra transports us beyond the ordinary, rational and strategic mind.

Even a temporary song can change your outlook, emotions, and energetic state.

Any 3-year old will belt out a song to capture their feeling in a given moment. "I love pancakes!" So, why do we stop doing this?

We are afraid to lo0k silly or stand out from the crowd. We falsely believe that if we sing, we have to be “good” at it or have a good voice. Or we limit where and when we sing to “appropriate” places. But is that serving us?

Here is what a few of my early Mantra makers who are also coaches say:

Walt says, “I made my own mantra and it was amazing… I'm fully centered in my body, chest, and belly at the moment, which is where the experience took me. In my song, I explored the relationship between my current way and new way, celebrated what they each offer and the outcome they create. It pulled the entire coaching experience into my heart, and I even learned a few new things about my new way and my topic.  And not in a million years would I permit anybody to hear it.  I'm pretty sure I'm tone deaf! The other thing I noticed was how easy it was.  The song just invited a vocal melody that felt mostly effortless. The lyrics just flowed.”

Paula says, “It seemed like it was all flowing, naturally, right from the second you hit the 2 chords - you had me right at the very beginning (welled up a bit), and it was like you were speaking to me. It worked for me, and deeply resonated. As you guided, I went along for the ride -felt safe, and held in it with a bit of dare - and go for it, like fuck it - really hit the wheel of emotions. Next time, I'd be sure to get myself situated and listen with earbuds. The words poured out on the page, easily, as I played along with you. Not so much cognitive, but emotionally, somatically, and spiritually - as it keyed into the 'auto-wisdom' function.”

The act of creating a mantra, even if temporary, can be a transformational release of emotions and negative thought patterns, or, can help us find inspiration for a bold new way of being.

Some mantras can become lifelong ear-worms that, with each reprise, serves and an anchor, helps us move past our obstacles, and to create the life we want.

Ready to explore making your own Mantra?

Current coaching or enneagram consult clients can request “Make Your Own Mantra” instructions at any time.

New clients need a minimum of 3 sessions:

  • Session 1: Intake to better define your challenge

  • Session 2: I present an approach to developing your Mantra including how to create backing track if desired

  • Session 3: Refinement round to help tune up your process and discuss your experience.

Why 3 sessions? I feel it is irresponsible to do less than 3 sessions for something as important and personal as a Mantra.

Next Steps? Reach out to set up a discovery call to learn more via the link below

Client Testimonials


Client Testimonials |

Susan Harvie Smith

Susan Harvie Smith
Voice Guide and Coach

“I have had multiple sessions with Dave, and he is definitely one of the most talented coaches I have encountered, and I am a coach as well. He is a true professional. The depth of his Listening skills, his timing, and the way he curiously asks questions opens the door to self-discovery. The power of his wisdom and responses to my answers have literally made a world of difference to me. As they say, Dave is a ‘keeper’ and I couldn’t be happier to have connected with him.”

Kevin Sawyer
Director of Content Strategy, Fidelity Investments

"Dave's coaching exercises are always grounded in clear rationale, and the discussion afterward highlights how we can apply our insights into practical, tangible ways. Dave's entire coaching practice is built on mutual vulnerability. As a coach, he is disarming, genuine, curious, and non-judgemental. Dave Hill Jr.'s Doubters Anonymous group has helped me better understand the root causes of Doubt. ”

Jack Ducoffe

“I met Dave in a music workshop. We had 1 session together and it was eye opening! He has a calm about him that makes it very easy to share. In this brief session he taught me several methods on how to unblock yourself and be open to writing. I am very excited to put what he has taught me into practice. He has stayed in touch with me, and continued to give guidance. Not what I was expecting! I respect him for his selfless approach and look forward to many more sessions.”