Dialing In Your Marketing Mix with the 8 Ps of Markting
Marketing 101 courses typically talk about the “4 Ps” of marketing: Product, Price, Promotion, and Place. While these are still important, I find that using 8 Ps is more nuanced and helpful when planning a product launch or new campaign. These 8 Ps help marketers find a fresh perspective and uncover new opportunities for their marketing mix. Take some time to think over each “P” below with my starter questions to see how you and your team might improve your next go-to-market plan, product launch or sales campaign. Product (or service): What you’re selling - How might our product or service promote itself? Price: The value exchange - What does our price say about our product/service in terms of value or accessibility? Promotion: How products are pushed or placed into the market - Where do our customers live? Partnerships: Other audiences and companies that want to help you market your product - Which brands, companies, or key people would be a beneficial partnership for our product launch?