The Power of Process Goals
Process goals are a different way of thinking about working on your business. I remember the first time I heard about process goals. I thought the person explaining them to me was nuts. How will I know what the goal is if I don't have a clear, specific number to hit, etc.?
After some time trying however, I learned that process are just as important as outcome goals and can make the work feel a lot better too.
Outcome goals are the guiding light that informs the path you will take.
Process goals are about refining the way you walk the path. How vs. What.
Here’s me talking you through the blog post a bit to help explain the concept of Process Goals.
“The path is the point,” might be a more zen way of putting it. Or, don’t set goals, focus on habits instead and continually refine those habits.
Destinations come and go but you are always on the path. So long as you are on the path, you will be improving your process and finding your way within the work. To me, at least, this is a much more enjoyable way to work than the boom or bust goals I used to set for myself.
Process Goals
Here are the steps I recommend if you want to give process goals a try.
Spend a defined amount of time working as I outline below.
It’s worth noting that I did not say spend as much time as possible. I believe in sustainable business principles and that work expands to fit the time allowed.
For example, I spend 3 hours a week on my marketing.
Step 1: Define your "rough draft" process hypothesis
Take a best guess at what your process is and document it on a single piece of paper. You already know a lot, but there are unknowns. By formulating a theory and moving forward, you will learn, make progress and find out what does or doesn't work.
You might label "for now" on your process. It will change, but you need to have a guiding start to begin.
Step 2: Test your process
Get going and give it your best shot with the time you have allowed. Use Focusmate or an accountability buddy to help spur you on, if needed.
Reward yourself for spending time on your process (maybe stars, favorite beverage, donation to charity, whatever motivates you)
Step 3: Retrospect and refine your process
Once every 1-2 weeks, do a bit of reflecting using this classic retrospective format:
What went really well with my process recently?
What results or experiences did I have that were notable?
What didn't go well and needs a little care?
Brainstorm: What could I do differently?
Here are a few suggestions in case you are stuck on what to do differently:
Ask a friend or colleague for input
Ask your clients, social media followers, etc. for input as well
Study a respected competitor or two to see what you can learn about how they do things
Consider something you've tried before but from your new vantage point with the experience you've gained.
Try something different. 🙂 This sounds simplistic, but if you are stuck with writing try video or podcasts. If people aren't responding to your emails, try shorter or more valuable emails. Do something different to see what happens as a test.
Finally, document your changes to your process on your rough draft paper (created in Step 1) and give it another test before you retrospect again.
In time, you'll be wiser and more savvy about your business. You will also find a more productive and enjoyable process for building your business. Marketing is about experimentation. You can't set it and forget it. What worked last year might not work as well next year.
Where many get stuck is that they wait for the perfect plan or the right answer which is a moving target and likely doesn't exist.
Beware of experts, including me!
You are the one who knows your business best.
Keep setting goals, but with process in mind first!
Please get in touch if I can help you shape your process goals. Wishing you luck in the meantime and thank you for stopping by.