Self-Doubt is Trying to Protect Us
Self-doubt (aka as our inner critic) is trying to protect us. I like to imagine that doubt sees the rumble strips on the freeway and is warning us to stay in our lane. Once we tell doubt we hear the warning, we can often move on along our intended path.
Taking Yourself on a Date: Nurturing Self-Care Through Small Acts of Love
My mom was great at knowing when she needed a break. After a long day, she’d say, "I think I need a mental health day," and take time to care for herself in a way that reconnected her to life. Inspired by this, I’ve come to think of these moments as "taking myself on a date." When we intentionally spend time alone—relaxing, reflecting, and nurturing ourselves—we create space to hear our inner wisdom. In this post, I share ideas for self-care practices to help you reconnect with yourself and embrace your worth.
Doubt Riding Shotgun
In Doubt Riding Shotgun, Dave Hill Jr. explores how to work with self-doubt rather than against it. This book helps readers understand their inner critic and transform self-doubt into a manageable passenger on their journey. Through personal stories and practical advice, learn how to navigate imposter syndrome, perfectionism, and other common challenges.
The Power of Process Goals
Process goals focus on refining how you work rather than obsessing over the final outcome. By developing and testing processes, you can create a sustainable path to success that feels rewarding. Learn how to define, test, and refine your process goals for more effective and enjoyable business growth.
Process goals are a different way of thinking about working on your business. Instead of having “S.M.A.R.T.” goals that are specific measurable, attainable, , relevant, and time-bound, process goals help us work with harder to predict paths. If we are in-process, we are making progress. Refining the process is the goal.
What Should We Learn From Our Shoulds?
Have you ever stopped to question your "should" voice? It’s bossy, isn’t it? In this post, I explore where our shoulds come from and how they shape our decisions. By becoming aware of their origins, we can choose which shoulds serve us and which ones we can let go. Dive into the learning with real-life examples of how to analyze and reframe your shoulds for a more intentional life.
Failed Mediation or Successful Nap?
Not every meditation session goes as planned—and that's okay! Sometimes, what you truly need is a nap. In this post, I reflect on how we can embrace both meditation and rest, dropping into whatever we need in the moment. Meditation isn't about perfection; it's about presence and self-compassion.
Know Thyself Through Music and Song
In this interview with The Brothers Koren, I reconnect with Isaac and Thorald, two talented musicians I first met during my New York days when our bands shared stages. Since then, they’ve transformed their careers, going from recording artists with The Kin to coaches guiding people to "Know Thyself Through Music and Song." Through their approach, they help people find and embrace their authentic voice by working with, not against, the "small voices" that often hold us back. Our conversation dives into their unique perspective on vocal expression, personal growth, and discovering the sacred power of one’s own voice.
Add Meaning and Purpose to your everyday Todo List
Recently I've made a slight upgrade to my old fashioned paper todo list and I thought I'd share as a way of capturing this moment in time and to learn more from all you brilliant people that I'm connected to here.
I call it a “meaningful todo list”
This new workflow is really helping reduce my distractibility. Here are some links to a template and a bit of background on how I use this list.
Make your own Mantra
I want you to forget what you might believe about your voice and give yourself permission to explore.
Instead of judging yourself or your voice, I want to invite your 5-year-old self to do a little exploring by making up your own song (perhaps even a mantra).
By the way: You might also notice that your self-critical voice about your singing is similar to other limiting voices that you hear in other areas of your life.
For this exercise, I want you to explore soothing yourself with a song or at least some vocal sounds
Intentional Rest
As a culture, we don’t celebrate rest. Even when we go on vacation, it is often about the doing. What if we intentionally embraced rest for body, mind, and soul. Each might need different types of resting practices, but each aspect helps the rest. Let’s put the REST into restoration.
With Doubt Riding Shotgun, I Drive On
There are more than a million reasons why you should never do anything.
If you listen to reason and take stock in what’s at risk, it’s better to just binge-watch the latest Netflix series and go to bed early.
But what if we listen to our dream, instead of our doubt?
Focusmate: The Power of Random Collaboration
Recently, I discovered FocusMate and my productivity really went through the roof. I know I sound like an advertisement, but hear me out, as I think this is a pretty interesting way to work from a coaching/psychological perspective. Here are my ideas.
The Backstory
I launched in January 2021 to better reflect my identity as a coach. Here’s the backstory.
Which Tasks Are Really Worth Your Time?
As an executive coach, I often handle tasks beyond client sessions, and I’ve learned that not every task is worth my time. By estimating my “hourly rate”—not in terms of what I’m paid per hour, but in terms of my time’s true value—I know when to outsource work that drains my energy. This perspective helps both me and my clients focus on what matters most. In this post, I explore how to calculate your own hourly rate, why offloading frustrating tasks can boost productivity, and where to find quality freelancers who love the work you’d rather skip.
Uncovering Limiting Beliefs: How to Unlearn Your Learned Helplessness
The other day, I let my black lab rescue, Lola, outside without her invisible fence collar, and it got me thinking about how we all experience our own “invisible fences”—those limiting beliefs that keep us from testing boundaries. Lola has learned to stop at a certain point, even when chasing a bunny, and in coaching, I’ve seen the same pattern in people who unconsciously limit themselves. In this post, I explore the concept of learned helplessness, how it creates invisible boundaries, and how to recognize and break through these self-imposed limits.
Developing Empathy in the Workplace
When applied properly, empathy shows others that you care about them as people and can see beyond any immediate business issues. Here’s what you need to know about developing empathy as a manager.
How Present Are You? Why Mindfulness Matters Makes You a Better Leader
Practicing mindfulness can help us be more present and in our bodies. It will help make you a better manager, colleague, and even a better human.
Why Mindfulness Matters in Life and Management
Watching my sons play reminds me of the pure, unfiltered presence that mindfulness can bring into our lives. They’re fully engaged, utterly fearless, and completely in the moment—qualities that I often strive to bring into my own work and coaching practice. Mindfulness offers this transformative power, helping us manage stress, see clearly, and connect deeply with our surroundings. In this post, I explore the value of mindfulness in life and leadership, offering simple exercises like body scans and mindful walks to help develop a greater sense of calm and focus.